Minutes September 4, 2024



Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Glass, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt.  Absent were Leuenberger and Schroeder.  Also present were Greg Barta, Michele Elsbernd and Steve and Marta Kelsay.

Motion by Glass, second by P. Schmitt to approve the consent agenda( agenda, claims, Minutes of August 7, 2024, clerk/treasurer reports)  All aye. Carried.


Claims Aug 24
Acentek phone,int 442.98
Alliant elec 2726.79
Anderson Wilm postage 5.79
Auditor of State exam fee 250.00
Badger Meter read serv 51.22
Bank Iowa has 200.00
Blacktop Serv seal coat 21969.32
Brady Barta detail truck 150.00
Bruening rock chips-cc 381.67
Citizens Svgs taxes 1953.03
City Laundry towels 207.12
Column Soft pub ann rept 236.53
Croell blocks wate 450.00
Decorah Elec controls wel 8966.58
Decorah Tech it serv 600.00
Demco op supp 106.47
Forbin 365 100.00
Franzen Sales sweeper 210.82
Hawkeye Sanit garbage 2259.76
Hawkins chemical 1335.30
Hoopla audio 53.55
Hubers Store supp 121.94
Idot emulsion 755.00
IA Dept Rev wet tax 472.49
Idot 9641001 fee 210.00
Iowa Prison sign 122.80
Iowa Pump sewer lift 1100.00
Ipers pension 1504.83
John Deere Fin supplies 122.90
Keystone Labs testing 631.50
Lazer Layout elm 1305.00
Marv Smith Elec filters 185.66
Marv Smith Elec bobcat 75.00
Marv Smith Elec cc move ac/gas 1137.19
Mediacom int cc 157.82
NE IA Spray Foa cc sidewalk 5087.21
Thompson CPA annual exa 4725.00
Rausch Const Elm St 40386.51
State Lib of IA edu 25.00
Taste of Home sub 34.95
US Cellular cell greg 36.85
Visa supp 613.51
Wellmark ins greg 678.02
Zubke Sand rock 364.50
Payroll 7521.70
Claims by fund
General 22752.63
Road Use 2354.33
Benefits 878.02
Lost 62355.83
Water 16688.14
Sewer 5003.36
TOTAL FUNDS 110032.31
Revenue by fund
General 6613.35
Road Use 2891.69
Benefits 254.08
Lost 4512.67
Debt Serv 1001.48
Water 8465.65
Sewer 14187.27
Total 37926.19


Water rates were discussed in length.  Currently the Improvement Fund pays the debt for the new well and it is not generating enough funds to make the yearly debt payment.   There needs to be an increase to cover this payment.   The State Revolving Loan will force an increase to cover the debt.  The regular water fund is also low due to many expenses for the well not covered by the loan.  Also discussed were the bulk water provided to the Farmers Union Co-op and the need to discuss the rate for providing them bulk water,  water is treated, and the cost of chemicals is very high.   The first reading of an Ordinance to raise rates will be held at the October 3, 2024, meeting.

Steve Kelsay updated the council on the W-14 project and other matters of interest.

Greg Barta updated the council on the Elm Street project, which is now complete, he will review the final billing statement with the contractor on Thursday.  He stated the DNR conducted an inspection of the cities water facilities.  He is working to get the chlorine residual up to the DNR requirement.  The Recycle Bins were discussed and the status of the fire departments old tanker.

The council wishes to remind residents that burning of leaves, waste or yard waste at your residence is Not allowed.  Recreational fires are allowed(only in a fire pit)  but are reminded to be courteous of your neighbors.  Smoke may be unhealthy and irritating to neighbors.

There were no building permits submitted.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by P. Schmitt to adjourn.  All aye.  Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.



Paul Herold, Mayor




Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk