Minutes October 4, 2023


Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. on October 4, 2023, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  Present were  Glass, K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt and Leuenberger. Lori Schroeder was absent.  Also present were Paul Herold, Michele Elsbernd, Greg Barta, Maddie Putman, Steve Kelsay and Ron Franzen.

Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to approve the consent items (minutes from September 6th, claims and clerk/treasurer reports) All ayes. Carried.


Claims September
Acentek phone 291.82
Alliant elec aug/sept 4618.24
Baker & Taylo books 349.05
Bank Iowa hsa 200.00
Blasek Corp ppe#7 81332.16
Citizens Svgs taxes 1813.74
Clermot Lib books 27.02
Dave Karnik mow dike 200.00
Decorah Tech tech 190.00
Donna’s Painting Windows lib & cc 375.00
Drake Lib book 10.00
Forbin 365 100.00
Graham Tire tires 709.00
Hawkeye Sani monthly garb 2225.24
Hawkins chemicals 380.63
Hoopla audio vis 69.94
Hubers Store supplies 457.51
Iamu safety training 265.00
Interstate elec well # 2 25918.52
Iowa Dept Re wet tax 342.77
Ipers ipers 1368.77
Jay’s Auto pickup 832.31
J.D. Financial supplies 319.51
Keystone Lab test 15.50
Lee’s Repair uni 448.00
Marv Smith supplies 306.45
Mediacom int/phone cc 232.07
Napa starter 213.59
NE Ia Dust dust control 600.00
Post Office mail bills 102.00
Riley’s cartridges 429.80
Scholastic trust books 187.40
SHE final lagoon 4109.68
Shawver Well ppe#3 51980.20
Sumner Lib books 35.00
Superior Bldg lagoon 164.54
Treas State Ia taxes 831.47
US Cell cell phone 36.22
UPERC admin cdbg 304.53
Utility Equip cleanout 448.26
Visa ww permit 448.53
Wellmark health ins 655.46
Winn Record record fee 34.00
Payroll 6767.22
Total 190746.15
Claims by fund
General 13327.88
Library 187.40
Road Use 3168.83
Benefits 857.33
Water 5444.04
Wellmark 159535.41
Sewer 4115.58
Lagoon 4109.68
Total 190746.15
Revenue By fund
General 34905.93
Museum 100.00
Road Use 4301.82
Benefits 5344.41
Emergency 756.59
Lost 4367.30
Debt Serv 16000.48
Water 4904.12
Well 99835.37
Sewer 11469.05
Total 181985.07


Mattie Putman, project co-ordinator for Winneshiek County Development and Tourism was present to introduce herself and inform the council how they could work to promote activities in the city and possibly help with grant opportunities. She explained what she does and that they will now have more presence in the areas outside of Decorah.  The city is listed on the Winneshiek County Development and Tourism web page and activities from all areas of the county will now be listed on the site.

Ron Franzen was present on behalf of Jay Schwamman to present a memorial donation to the Fort Atkinson City Museum in memory of Myles Kupka in the amount of $ 1,000.  This is one of several memorials to the museum in Myles memory.   Ron also stated that the Fort Atkinson Firefighters had received a similar donation in Myles memory.   He also mentioned that the pumper was having some issues, and they were working on repairs.  He also asked about area water rates.

Steve Kelsay updated the council on the complicated House File 718 and how it might affect city funding.  He also discussed water and sewer rates for area towns that are forced to upgrade.   He stated that due to the county not having a county engineer the W-14 project might be delayed.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance # 34 raising the cost of water per 1,000 gallons. All aye. Carried.

Motion by P. Schmitt, second by Glass to approve the first reading of Floodplain Ordinance # 35 for the City of Fort Atkinson.  All aye.  Carried.   Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 35.  All aye. Carried.  Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to adopt Ordinance # 35.  All aye, Carried.

Motion by P. Schmitt, second by Glass to approve the first reading of Ordinance # 36 pertaining to the Historic Preservation Commission.   All aye.  Carried.   Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 36.  All aye.  Carried.  Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to adopt Ordinance # 36.  All aye.  Carried.

City Maintenance reported that the water main extension, looping project was completed.  They are working on removing the dead trees from the city and city park areas and he is still working with the county on the purchase of a brush mower/tractor for the city.

There were no building permits submitted.

The adoption of a jake brake ordinance was discussed.  This will be put on a future agenda.

The clerk discussed various items of interest to the council.

Dogs that are out of their immediate yard and chasing walkers was discussed.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to adjourn.  All aye. Carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST: ______________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk