Minutes November 6, 2024


Mayor  Paul Herold called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present were P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt. Leuenberger, Glass and Schroeder.   Also present were Paul Herold, Steve Kelsay, Ron Franzen, Jay Schwamman and Kerry Kleve.

Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve the consent items (minutes of October 2, 2024, claims and clerk/treasurer reports) All aye, carried.


Claims Oct 2024
Acentek phone/int 541.53
Alliant elec 2371.85
Badger meter serv 102.44
Baker & Taylor books 23.09
Bank Iowa hsa 200.00
Bell’s Fire Stop fire ext mtc 162.00
Bruenings rock water 834.00
Citizens Svgs taxes 2400.17
Coast to Coast pens 304.11
Column pub min 84.36
Consumer Rept sub 26.00
Decorah Tech cameras 2437.21
Farmers Union supplies 97.76
Fayette Electron radio  rep 100.00
Forbin 365 100.00
Fort Nursery cc 1044.96
Franzen Sales samples 57.70
Hawkeye Sanit monthly 2237.30
Hawkins chemicals 649.83
Hoopla audio vis 59.29
Hubers Store supplies 294.23
Iamu safety 284.00
Idot emulson 755.00
Ia Dept Rev wet tax 441.36
Iowa One Call locates 23.40
Ipers ipers 1690.42
J.D. Financial supplies 122.90
Keystone testing 678.00
Laura Thomas mileage 117.53
Mediacom internet cc 157.62
Mihm diesel 82.50
Riley’s toner 229.90
Storey Kenworth off supplies 83.23
Total Tree tree rem 1000.00
US Cell cell 36.88
Visa supp camer 591.31
Wellmark ins 678.02
Payroll Oct 8159.36
Total 29259.26
Claims by fund
General 12528.55
Road Use 1565.81
Benefits 878.02
Water 7785.20
Sewer 6501.68
Total 29259.26
Revenue by fund
General 50019.35
Museum 66.00
Road Use 3084.21
Benefits 6005.66
Lost 4484.71
Debt Serv 23671.67
Water 8428.38
Sewer 15643.82
Total 111403.80


Ron Franzen addressed the council stating that they had sold their old 2000 International to a department in Vermont.  The new truck on order will offer the city many more options for use than the old truck.   He said that the pumper needed to have the pump and valves refurbished and an oil leak repaired.  The Fire Department will be electing officers on Monday night and Ron stated that he is stepping down as fire chief.   He was thanked for his years of service.  Options for fire department physicals were discussed.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve the second reading of Ordinance # 42 raising the water improvement fee $ 2.00 monthly and the bulk water rate.   All aye, carried.

Sidewalk issues and the need to get sidewalks up to code was discussed.  The grass needs to be removed from the cracks in the sidewalk as this presents a safety hazard.   Sidewalk will be discussed again at a future meeting.

The Oak Hill Cemetery was discussed.  Currently the city does not have an ordinance in place governing the cemetery.  Sample ordinances were presented, and this will be reviewed  with the Cemetery board for future adoption.

Steve Kelsay was present to discuss placement of the Recycle bins. He stated they can not remain at the county shop facility  and after much discussion  it was decided to place them back at the community center parking lot.

Greg Barta reported on the water leak that was found and the line capped off on 3rd. St. NW.  He stated that in the future he will be checking if this line can be capped off at the main.   Since repair the water usage has decreased.

The Clerk stated she would be attending the Budget Workshop in Cedar Falls on November 19th.   Due to the mayor and council using their notebooks only for email the 365 subscriptions will be downgraded at its renewal.   It was also noted that due to windows support expiring there were four computers at the library that would need to be replaced at a cost of approximately $ 5,000 including labor.   These funds will need to come from their trust account.   Library investments were discussed briefly.

A receptacle to recycle pop cans was discussed, no action taken.

Due to Supper with Santa the December meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. at the Community Center.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to adjourn.  All aye, carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:18 P.M.




Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST: _________________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk