Minutes May 1, 2024


Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.   The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present were Glass, P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder & K. Schmitt. Also present was Scott Sindelar, Greg Barta, Steve Kelsay and Michele Elsbernd.

Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve the consent items (minutes of 4/3 and 4/24, clerk/treasurer reports and claims)  All aye, carried.


Claims April
Acentek phone 440.27
Alliant elec 3101.52
Badger Meter  read serv 51.22
Baker & Taylor books 216.77
Bank Iowa hsa greg 200.00
Barco barricades 1309.50
Better Homes sub 15.00
Blazek Corp final pay well 26655.80
Boden Impl parts jd 27.82
Cedar Valley El mobil link 119.98
Citizens Svgs taxes 1605.94
City Laundry towels 138.08
CJ’s Trophies museum 15.45
Column Soft pub 309.01
Donna’s Windo windows 350.00
Forbin 365 fee 100.00
Fort Nursery 20 trees 2700.00
Franzen Sales ship samples 16.66
Harmann Lib book 5.00
Hawkeye Sanit monthly garb 2208.83
Hawkins supplies 1593.91
HGTV Mag sub 37.99
Hoopla books 55.92
Hubers Store supplies 280.06
Iamu safety 284.00
Ia Dept Rev excise tax 438.50
Ipers IPERS 1226.18
Keystone Labs testing 93.50
Kory Karnik comm ctr 261.00
Lee’s Repair uni loader use 544.00
Letterwerks plaque 70.00
Marie Riha plexi mus 53.49
Marv Smith Elec repair well house 358.34
Mediacom internet 157.55
Napa brake,rotor 899.93
NE Housing memb 500.00
Lee Fischer leak, skid ster 3364.00
NE Ia Constru mat 160.00
US Post office stamps bills 265.00
Rausch Const lath 75.00
Shawver Well final pay well 14963.23
Superior Bldg post pad 26.40
Total Tree stump rem 300.00
US Cellular cell phone 36.82
Uperc well adm 2197.37
USA Blue Book supplies h20 418.90
Utility Equip supplies 1262.40
Visa supplies 854.87
Visu-Sewer vac lift station 731.25
Welllmark ins 678.02
Winn Cty Eng salt-sand 1233.95
Zarnoth Brush sweeper parts 300.80
Payroll April 6114.34
Total 79423.57
Claims by fund
General 14214.90
Museum 68.94
Road Use 5186.22
Benefits 878.02
Water 9257.81
Well 45485.74
Sewer 4331.94
Total 79423.57
Revenue by fund
General 45209.38
Library 600.00
Museum 120.00
Road Use 3149.79
Benefits 5071.81
Emergency 718.03
Lost 5145.35
Debt Serv 15184.20
Water 7548.19
Well 14218.00
Sewer 33621.13
Total 130585.88



Scott Sindelar, Dale Leuenberger and Greg Barta members of the Oak Hill Cemetery board were present to discuss cemetery issues.  Scott Sindelar will check with the city attorney regarding setting up a 503(c)(3).  This is a city cemetery managed by the Oak Hill board at present. More discussion to follow the consultation with the city attorney.

Steve Kelsay updated the council on the W-14 project and other county matters.  Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve Resolution # 390 setting a hearing to consider vacation of a parcel of city street right-of-way and conveyance of city property to David and Dianne Nienhaus.  Aye:  P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder & Glass.  Motion carried.  The hearing is scheduled for June 5, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.

Greg Barta updated the council on the purchase of a skid-steer.  This equipment is due to be delivered next week.  Also discussed in length was the sale of the black dirt that is stored at the lagoon site.  Anyone interested needs to contact Greg Barta for prices and delivery options.

There were no building permits submitted.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to adjourn.  All aye, carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.



Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST: ____________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk