Minutes March 4, 2024



Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  Present were Glass, P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder, K. Schmitt.  Also present were Paul Herold, Michele Elsbernd, Greg Barta, Donald Krivachek, Marvin Krivachek, Ronald Franzen and Jay Schwamman.

Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve the consent items (minutes from February 7, 2024, claims, clerk/treasurer reports)  All aye, motion carried.


Claims Feb
Acentek phone,internet 1224.73
Alliant elec 3049.60
Badger Meter read serv 102.44
Baker & Taylo books 474.19
Bank Iowa hsa 200.00
Biblionix subscription 800.00
Blazek ppe#9 12333.38
Bruening water break 577.14
Citizens Svgs taxes 1550.24
Column pub min 113.18
Consolidated propane 1616.36
Decorah Tech serv 333.69
Display Sales deco 1890.50
Franzen Sale shipping 77.74
Hawkeye San garbage 2208.41
Hoopla aud vis 85.39
Hubers Store supplies 401.60
Icap ins well 126.00
Ia Dept Rev excise tax 426.98
Ipers ipers 1168.92
Keystone Lab testing 17.50
Lee’s Rep snow rem 2336.00
Marv Smith serv,supp 295.08
Mediacom internet 157.55
R. Thompson file 1099 125.00
Superior Bldg supp 11.44
US Cell phone 36.86
Uerpc adm well 1662.37
Wellmark ins 678.02
Winn Co Rec record fees 58.00
Payroll 5800.25
Total 39938.56
Claims by fund
General 14830.05
Road Use 1776.45
Benefits 878.02
Water 5318.29
Well 13995.75
Sewer 18212.69
Total 39938.56
Rev by fund
General 10564.20
Road Use 2835.56
Benefits 5.72
Emergency 0.82
Lost 5124.01
Debt Serv 15017.14
Water 6959.68
Sewer 13349.58
Total 53856.71


Mayor Herold opened the public hearing on the 23-24 proposed Budget Amendment.  The clerk explained the reason and amount of the items being amended and answered questions from the public.   The hearing was closed, P. Schmitt moved, seconded by Glass to approve Resolution # 387 Approving the 23-24 Budget Amendment.   Roll call vote:  Aye: Glass, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger & Schroeder.  Motion carried.

The clerk explained proposed Resolution # 386, a resolution approving the 23-24 budget transfers.  Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Schroeder to approve Resolution # 386.  Roll call vote:  Aye:  Glass, P. Schmitt, Schroeder, Leuenberger, & K. Schmitt.  Motion carried.

Motion by K. Schmtt, second by Schroeder to set April 2, 2024, at 6:00 at the Fort Atkinson Community Center as the date, time and place for the public hearing on the proposed tax levy for the 24-25 budget.  Roll call vote:  Leuenberger, K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Glass & Schroeder. Motion carried.    The clerk explained to the public the various allowable levies.

Greg Barta, City Maintenance is working on the Elm Street Project which would resurface the street, replace some or all of the existing curb and gutter and provide proper drainage.   Quotes were received from Northeast Iowa Backhoe and Rausch Construction.   He also obtained three quotes for the street surface portion of the project.  There was only $ 1241.00 difference between the quotes.  Greg explained the options available, the possible trade of black dirt for some of the street work, and the need for an easement and property trade with Dave Neinhaus to be able to provide the drainage needed.  Motion by Leuenberger, second by Schroeder to approve the Rausch Construction quote with Option # 2 to replace all the curb and gutter.  Roll call vote:   Aye:  K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Schroeder, Glass and Leuenberger.  Motion carried.  There was also a quote for a single seal on the community center parking lot.

Greg also received a quote for the sale of various trees to a logger in two areas.  After discussion the council agreed to the sale to Ken Knapp in the amount of $ 8,000.

The possible purchase of equipment for the city was discussed.  Council approved Greg pursues the purchase of a used skid-steer for the city.

Well taste and smell issues were discussed.  Greg is working to balance the system to eliminate most of those problems.

Ron Franzen requested the lock at the Fire Department be replaced as it was causing issues.  Donald and Marvin Krivachek were present to state they had purchased some property with the intention of building a Shouse in the future.  They also inquired if it would be possible to vacate the unused alley as it is between the two properties purchased.   After discussion it was determined that the alley was not needed for utilities and could be vacated.    The plan to build a Shouse brought up the possible need to develop an ordinance for this type of dwelling, The clerk will check and see what other cities have adopted.   Jay Schwamman questioned if the city had any type of tax abatement.  The clerk will check into the possibility of such a program.

The council agreed to add the Pledge of Allegiance to the agenda in the future.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Lueneberger to adjourn.  All aye, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 7:21 P.M.



Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST:  _______________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk