Minutes July 6, 2022

Fort Atkinson City Council Minutes
July 6, 2022

Mayor Paul Herold called the meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 7:00 P.M. July6, 2022 at the Fort Atkinson Community Center. Present: Herold, Glass, K.Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Leuenberger and Schroeder. Also present for parts of the meeting were Tom Madden and Casey Rausch.

Tom Madden presented Change Order # 2 for the sewer lagoon project in the amount of $223,925.00 and explained the reason for the proposed changes. Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve change order # 2. Aye: Leuenberger, Glass, Schroeder, K. Schmitt and P. Schmitt. Motion carried. Mr. Madden presented for approval pay request # 3 for the sewer lagoon project in the amount of $225,430.25. He stated this was mostly dirt moving expenses. Motion by K Schmitt, second by Schroeder to approve Pay Request # 3. Aye: Leuenberger, Glass. K. Schmitt, Schroeder and P. Schmitt. Motion carried. Tom stated that the bid opening for the well project is scheduled for July 19th at 10:00 A.M. with acceptance of bid at the August council meeting.

Casey Rausch was present to ask permission to raise funds to possibly add a playground and restroom facilities to the area near the ballfield. The council indicated that there are not city funds available but would support her efforts.

Mayor Herold opened the public hearing on the proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and providing for issuance and securing the payment of $3,080,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 2022. There were no written or oral comments and the mayor closed the public hearing. Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Glass to approve Resolution # 346 authorizing and approving a Loan and Disbursement Agreement and providing for issuance and securing the payment of $ 3,080,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 2022. Aye: K. Schmitt, Schroeder, Leuenberger, P. Schmitt and Glass. Motion carried.

The Soo Green Ordinance # 27 was presented for its second reading. Motion by P. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve the second reading of Ordinance # 27. Aye: Glass, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger and Schroeder. Motion carried. Third reading will be at the August meeting.

The cities Work Comp insurance was discussed in length. It was the council consensus to switch work comp companies if possible. The clerk will check with Tara Hoffert to get the coverage in place and to drop coverage with IMWCA.

Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to approve the consent items (minutes from June 1st and 15th, clerks reports, claims for June and the ABD license for “The Fort”. Aye: Schroeder, Leuenberger, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt and Glass. Motion carried.


  • Acentek phone bills 266.95
  • Alliant electricity 1819.60
  • Anderson Wilmarth legal 96.00
  • Bader Metering metering serv 46.32
  • Bank Iowa has 200.00
  • Betty Passick program library 25.00
  • Bruening Rock rock park 315.30
  • Citizens Svgs Bank safe deposit rent 17.00
  • IRS taxes 1653.95
  • City of Decorah jet sewer 100.00
  • Decorah Tech it 206.25
  • Farmers Union oil, weed cont. seed 3797.53
  • Forbin support, agreement 2303.75
  • Fort Library books 37.00
  • Franzen Sales & Services ship samples 29.47
  • Hamann Library books 3.00
  • Hawkeye San clean up & monthly 2783.03
  • Hawkins chemicals 557.74
  • Helping Serv cont 200.00
  • Hoopla books 43.44
  • Hubers Store supplies 198.36
  • IAMU safety training quarterly 241.10
  • ICAP property insurance 16242.00
  • IMWCA work comp ins 4504.00
  • Ia Dept Revenue taxes 943.81
  • Iowa Finance Aut interest payment srf lag 202.94
  • Iowa League dues, sub 419.00
  • IPERS IPERS 1016.73
  • iread library 93.74
  • Iroc Web hosting and support 145.00
  • JB Holland ppe#2 lagoon 548639.04
  • John Deere Financial rope park, mower blade 198.46
  • Keystone Labs testing 277.50
  • Lee’s Repair maint 988.00
  • Lickety Split fuel 2023.24
  • Mid-American Research shipping on order 16.10
  • Marie Riha museum 9.51
  • Martin Flag flags 775.50
  • Marv Smith Elec supplies & repair 1145.53
  • Mediacom internet service 283.85
  • Mick Gage Plumbing & Heat restroom rent 285.00
  • Mid-American Pub publishing 370.85
  • Napa filters 23.98
  • NEICAC yearly funding 312.00
  • Postoffice stamps postage 355.00
  • Simmering-Cory Down payment 700.00
  • Treas State Ia taxes 957.00
  • Turkey River watershed agreement 250.00
  • US Cellular cell phone 104.19
  • UPERC sewer project 1021.74
  • Utility Equip supplies 624.51
  • Wellmark insurance 572.79
  • Winn Development annual committment 500.00
  • Zarnoth Brush sweeper repair 255.20
  • Payroll 6169.33
  • Total Expenses 605366.33

Expenses by fund

  • General 43970.31
  • Museum 9.51
  • Road Use 2726.00
  • Benefits 772.79
  • Debt Serv 202.94
  • Water 5206.75
  • 2nd well 241.11
  • sewer 2453.58
  • lagoon 549783.34
  • total 605366.33

Revenue by Fund

  • General 4324.99
  • Road Use 4810.60
  • Benefits 155.61
  • Emergency 23.46
  • Lost 3820.55
  • Debt Serv 119.21
  • Water 4131.13
  • sewer 11079.04
  • Lagoon 505409.40
  • Total 533873.99

There were no building permits submitted.

The consensus of the council was to leave the meeting night and time as it is currently until all projects are completed that require our engineer in attendance.

Nuisance properties were discussed and letters will be sent to residents that are not compliant with city code. Dog owners are reminded to keep their dogs on a leash when off private property and to clean up after them.

Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to adjourn. Aye: P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Glass, Schroeder and Leuenberger. Motion carried, meeting adjourned.

Paul Herold, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________________
Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk