Minutes July 3, 2024


Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.   The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present were Glass, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger & Schroeder.  Also present were Greg Barta and Michele Elsbernd.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Glass to approve the consent agenda (claims, minutes from June 5, 2025, clerk/treasurer reports)  All aye, motion carried.


Claims June 2024
Acentek service 442.28
Alliant elec bill 2202.47
Anderson Wilmart legal 761.34
Baker & Taylor books 144.74
Bank Iowa hsa 200.00
Bruening Rock rock 141.61
Cedar Valley Elec service 230.00
Citizens Svgs fee 17.00
Citizens Svgs Bank taxes 1755.84
Clair Carolan grant 100.00
Column pub min 170.30
Croell hydrant 378.00
Dale Leuenberger blower 120.91
Decorah Tech service 112.50
Dorsey Whitney legal w/s 8500.00
Farmers Union weeds 217.00
Forbin 365 300.00
Franzen Sales shipping 15.67
Gary Dietzenbach cabinets 10350.00
Gunersen hep vacc 985.00
Hawkeye Sanit clean up 587.74
Hawkeye Sanit contract 2259.76
Hawkins chemical 539.15
Hoopla audio vis 59.95
Hubers Store supplies 464.34
Hubers Store supp lib 78.83
Icap ins 27726.00
Imwca work comp 3279.00
Ia Dept Fin wet tax 494.02
Ia Fin Authority loan pymts 174728.71
Ia One Call locate fee 21.60
Ipers ipers 1371.19
Janita Bushman grant 100.00
Jay’s Auto pickup 255.84
Jim/Alice Palmer grant 200.00
J.D. Financial supplies 218.80
Keystone testing 42.50
Laura Thomas grant 1028.70
Lee’s Reair uni 240.00
Loren Franzen Con grant 10119.00
Lynn Sindelar grant 429.01
Mid-American Che paint 768.00
Marv Smith Elec repair 3679.04
M.L.Hackman grant 100.00
Mediacom service 157.37
Northern Ia Cons staples 174.00
Outdoor Rec Prod repair 1210.96
Postoffice stamps 212.00
Rausch Const elm st 10058.38
Roger’s Lock keys 73.05
Treas St Ia taxes 569.98
US Cell phone 36.82
Utility Equip supplies 1348.38
Visa supplies 811.38
Wellmark ins 678.02
Winn Co Recorder fee 87.00
Ziegler parts 470.00
Payroll June 6890.38
Total 278713.56
Claims by fund
General 59,450.52
Museum 8,921.06
Historic Pres 1,428.94
Road Use 1,487.90
Benefits 878.02
Lost 10,058.38
Debt Serv 41290
Water 34,566.73
Sewer 120,632.01
Total 278,713.56
Revenue by fund
General 5,546.26
Road Use 4,390.11
Benefits 193.51
Emergency 27.38
Lost 3,253.53
Debt Servi 579.34
Water 39,519.25
Sewer 70,318.00


Mayor Herold opened the public hearing to consider vacation of a parcel of city street right-of-way and conveyance of city property to George & Shirley Tupy.  There were no comments or questions, and the hearing was closed.  Motion by Glass, second by P. Schmitt to approve the first reading of Ordinance #39 to vacate part of alley right-of-way located in Block 48 of Bradleys Subdivision in the Town of Fort Atkinson.   Aye:  K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Glass, Leuenberger, Schroeder.  Motion carried.  Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 39.  Aye:  K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder, P. Schmitt, Glass.  Motion carried. Ordinance effective when posted.     Motion by P. Schmitt, seconded by Glass to approve Resolution # 394 dedicating City of Fort Atkinson, Iowa lots as city alley right-of-way.  Aye:  Glass, Schroeder, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger & P. Schmitt. Motion carried.   Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve Resolution # 393 approving the conveyance of a part of alley right-of-way located in Block 48 of Bradleys Subdivision of the Town of Fort Atkinson, Iowa and conveyance of city property to George and Shirley Tupy.   Aye:  Leuenberger, K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Glass & Schroeder.  Motion carried.

Mayor Herold opened the public hearing to consider vacation of alley in Block 11 City of Fort Atkinson.  There were no comments or questions, and the hearing was closed.  Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve the first reading of Ordinance # 41 to vacate the alley in Block 11.  Aye: Schroeder, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass.  P. Schmitt abstained.  Motion carried.   Motion by Glass, second by K. Schmitt to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance # 41.  Aye:  K. Schmitt, Glass, Leuenberger, Schroeder. P. Schmitt abstained.  Motion carried.  Ordinance effective when posted.   Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to approve Resolution # 397 conveying alley right-of-way to Schmitt, Sindelar, Krivachek & Schmitt.  Aye:  K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder, Glass.  P. Schmitt abstained.  Motion carried.

There was no one wishing to address the council.

Greg Barta reported that next Tuesday the new well controls will hopefully be installed.  The Elm Street project will begin on Monday, July 8th weather permitting. He stated that due to elevations the concrete in front of the city shop would be replaced. Thanks to H & R. Surveying for work setting the stakes for the project.

Discussed were a vacant property issue, the city kept the insurance with ICAP because the EMC quote was considerably higher,  mosquito spraying, and the new requirement that property owners submit a permit for fence installation.

There were no building permits submitted.

Motion by K. Schmitt, second by P. Schmitt to adjourn.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 6:33 P.M.



Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST:  _________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk