Minutes February 9, 2022

Present:  P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass, K. Schmitt, and Schroeder.  Absent: None

Paul Herold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Started the meeting with a conference call with Maggie Burger, Speer Financial, to discuss funding options for the Lagoon Project.  With Administration costs for the grants, engineering, and Lagoon bid, total loan size is $4,142,000.  Could do a combination GO Debt (up to 20 years) plus Revenue Debt, maybe using LOST as a source to buy down the tax rate.  Fort has approximately $947,000 Debt Capacity, a GO payment would be around $61,000/year which is an average of $5.30 tax levy, or approximately $288 on a $100,000 property/year.  Will need to raise sewer rates or capital fee to cover the portion of Revenue Debt payment to $65-70/month.  Burger recommends asking IFA for an Annual Appropriation GO Debt, which counts only the annual amount against the debt capacity instead of the entire loan amount.  There may be a new infrastructure bill coming, or more loan forgiveness money coming through DNR, but not at this time.  Tom Madden added he would assist in applying for TFAP funds in July/August if they become available.

Greg Barta presented a list of budget items.  Discussed raising rent at the Community Center due to increasing utilities.  Discussed the bank stabilization project Leon Baumler had presented.  They have applied for the DNR permit.  Barta is waiting for prices on City portion of the project yet.

Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to approve January, 2022 Council Minutes, Clerk Reports and Monthly bills as presented.  All Aye.  Carried.

Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Glass, to open the Public Hearing on Plans, Specs, and Form of Contract for the Sewer Lagoon Project.  All Aye.  Carried.  After no comments or questions were received, a Motion was then made by Glass, seconded by K. Schmitt, to close the Public Hearing.  All Aye.  Carried.  Motion was then made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Leuenberger, to approve Resolution 330, Approving Plans, Specs, Form of Contracts, and Estimates on the Lagoon Project.  All Aye.  Carried.  Tom Madden, SEH Engineering shared the bid tabulations with Council.  Five bids were received, with JB Holland coming in with the lowest bid of $3,883,937.50, and completion date of March 15, 2023.  Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to approve Resolution 331 awarding the contract to JB Holland and approving the bid as presented.  All Aye.  Carried.  Madden will process the contract and forward to Bond Counsel, UERPC, and the City.  Motion was then made by P. Schmitt, seconded by K. Schmitt, to set a Public Hearing for February 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. for a GO loan not to exceed $1mm.  All Aye.  Carried.

2nd Well Project.  Ashley Christianson from UERPC joined the meeting, and presented the contract with Upper Explorerland to administer the CDBG grant for the 2nd Well Project for $25,000.  Motion to approve was made by Glass, seconded by P. Schmitt.  All Aye.  Carried.  Motion was then made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve Resolution 329, Adopting Policies compliant to the CDBG Grant.  All Aye.  Carried.

The tablets have been set up, just waiting on the authorization of the government emails for each council person.  Microsoft 365 will be a fee of $100/month to John Friel.

Jay Schwamman spoke on behalf of the Certified Local Government committee to present the Annual Report for Mayor to sign so they can submit.  He also asked for approval to appoint Gerry Schmitt to another 3 year term, and Jay Schwamman to another 2 year term.  Motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve all as requested.  All Aye.  Carried.

Schwamman then spoke on behalf of the Fire Department, advising they are still looking into the options of remodeling the current fire station, buying a refurbished truck, or doing nothing.  There is water in the basement of the station, so need to address that.  Estimate to renovate the building is approximately $128,000.  Council advised with the Lagoon project ahead of us and then the 2nd well too, there is just no way the City can fund this also.  Schwamman advised they held elections in December, and all officers remained the same, currently 20 firemen are on the roster.

Received a letter from Winneshiek County Engineer regarding a possible offer to purchase the 150th Street bridge and move it to Arizona.  Council would entertain the offer as long as it is replaced with another bridge in it’s place.

Mayor Herold, P. Schmitt, and Glass conducted 3 interviews for the City Clerk position, and would like to offer the job to Michele Elsbernd at $16/hour.  Motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve as presented.  All Aye. Carried.  Herold will call her and offer the job.

Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Glass, to set the Public Hearing on Max Tax Levy for February 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm.  All Aye.  Carried.

Follow up on Max Krivachek’s requests on public records, Iowa Public Records responded that both formal complaints 22FC:0001 and 22FC0003 are consolidated and dismissed as legally insufficient or beyond the jurisdiction of the IPIB pursuant to Iowa Code section 23.8(2) and Iowa Administrative Rule 497-2.1 (2)(b).

Other business – set May 7th, 2022 as the City Cleanup Day.

Next meeting will be February 28, 2022 at 7pm in the Community Center.  Motion to adjourn was made by Glass, K. Schmitt, seconded.  All Aye.  Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Attest: __________________________                                            ________________________________

City Clerk                                                                                        Mayor Paul Herold


Acentek – Phone $540.12
Alliant – Electric $2,248.90
Amie Johansen – Stamps $58.00
Badger Meter – Fees $46.32
Baker & Taylor – Books $46.59
Bank Iowa – HSA Contribution $200.00
Calmar Courier – Publishing $76.42
FED/FICA Taxes $1,299.37
Consolidated Energy – Propane $2,275.98
Darin Barta – Rent $70.00
Driftless Media – Job Opening $96.00
Farmers Union Coop – Salt $96.75
Forbin – Computer Updates $1,091.20
Fort Atkinson Rentals – Rent $90.00
Franzen Sales – Parts $149.59
Hawkeye Sanitation – Garbage $2,129.61
Hawkins – Azone $507.25
Huber’s – Supplies $207.46
IAMU – ISEP Training $241.10
IPERS – $1,004.71
Lee’s Repair – Snow Removal $960.00
Luana Savings Bank – Lagoon Land $33,375.00
Marv Smith – Electric Repair $78.40
Mediacom – Internet $280.11
MPLC – License – 1 year $167.84
Napa – Water Pump Parts $61.48
Novak Insurance – Surety Bond $100.00
Post Office – Postage $80.00
Riley’s – Toner $319.85
US Cellular – Phones $106.25
UERPC – CDBG Lagoon $646.82
Utility Equipment – Parts $1,304.29
Wellmark – Insurance $572.79
Winn Co Auditor – Election $1,034.63
Payroll $4,978.66
Totals $56,541.49

 Funds:                                   Expenses:             Revenue:

General                                  $  13,999.87         $ 18,568.90

Museum                                $                             $      0

Hist Preserv                                                          $      0

Road Use                               $    1,311.41          $   5,910.95

Employee Benefits              $       772.79         $      123.86

Capital Proj                           $                              $   3,000.00

Emergency                            $                             $        18.65

Debt                                       $ 33,375.00          $        94.85

Local Opt.                             $          0                 $   3,822.87

Water                                     $    4,600.03         $   5,778.49

2nd Well                                  $         0                 $        0

Sewer                                     $    1,835.57         $  10,348.50

Lagoon                                  $       646.82         $         0

Library                                   $             0              $         0

Total                      $  56,541.49         $ 47,667.07