Minutes February 1, 2023


FEBRUARY 1, 2023

Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  Present:  Leuenberger, K. Schmitt, P. Schmitt, Schroeder. Absent:  Glass.   Also present: Mayor Herold, Greg Barta, Michele Elsbernd, Ron Franzen, Jay Schwamman, Donna Vsetecka and Pat Einwalter.

The engineer for the lagoon and well was not present.   He sent notification that Ashley from UPERC is checking with CDBG regarding the need for a generator for substantial completion of the lagoon project.  The project has a deadline and must be substantially complete to draw the remaining CDBG funding.   He also advised that Shawver Well would be on site the end of April.

Mayor Herold opened the public hearing on the Max Levy of 12.57298.  Ron Franzen asked if this levy was comparable to the previous years levy.  The clerk explained that the Max Levy and the total levy including debt service will be within pennies of last years budget figures. Mayor Herold closed the hearing.   Motion by Leuenberger, second by Schroeder to approve Resolution # 363 approving the Max Levy of 12.57298.   Aye:  Schroeder, Leuenberger, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt.  Motion carried.    The proposed budget was discussed, a motion by K. Schmitt, second by Leuenberger to set a public hearing on the proposed budget for March 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.   Aye:  Schroeder, Leuenberger, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt.  Motion carried.

Mayor Herold opened the public hearing on the Adoption of the “Code of Ordinances for the City of Fort Atkinson, Iowa”.   The clerk explained that we had three copies, one in the office, one at the library and one for the city attorney.  After paperwork is submitted to Iowa Codification we will receive a digital copy of the code which will be available on the city web site.   Each time a new ordinance is adopted a new digital copy will be available and added to the web site.   Mayor Herold closed the hearing and a motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder to Approve the first reading of  Ordinance # 33 Adopting the Code of Ordinances for the City of Fort Atkinson.   Aye:  Leuenberger, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Schroeder.  Motion carried.  Motion by K. Schmitt, second by Schroeder to waive subsequent readings of Ordinance # 33 and have it effective upon posting as required.   Aye:    P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder.  Motion carried.

Motion by P. Schmitt, second by K. Schmitt to approve the consent items (minutes from January 2023, clerks reports and claims for January 2023).  Aye:  Schroeder, P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger.  Motion carried.


Claims January
Acentek phone bills 297.46
Allianat electric bills 2071.55
Alta Library book 22.00
Baker & Taylor library books 340.61
Bank Iowa has 200.00
Blazek Corp ppe#2 5586.17
Citizens Svgs taxes 3041.32
Darin Barta jan/feb fee 70.00
Decorah Mob Glass cc new lock 70.00
Decorh Tech add hd to laptop 454.15
Farmers Unio lp cc/lib/mus 4141.44
Forbin monthly agree 365 100.00
Ft. Atkinson rentals fee jan/feb 23 90.00
Franzen Sales samples, diesel pre 132.92
Hawkeye San monthly contract 2169.65
Hawkins chemicals 558.60
Hoopla audio/digital 52.05
Ia Dept. Rev wet tax 320.69
Iowa One Call locate charges 14.40
Ipers IPERS 2226.71
J.D. Financial supplies 727.12
Keystone Labs testing 95.50
Lee’s Repair snow etc 2546.50
Luana Svgs land loan payment 33375.00
Marie Riha supplies museum 72.77
Marv Smith Elec gym bulb 62.93
Mediacom internet/phone cc 230.48
Michele Elsbernd office supplies rei 68.57
Mid-American Pub publishing 248.58
Mihm Transp additive fd tanker 131.00
Modern Marketing supplies 25.80
Motion Picture Lic license 181.60
Overdrive subscription 194.49
Post Office mail bills 88.00
Rausch Const ring man hole 41.84
SHE eng lagoon/well 11746.16
US Cellular cell phone greg 107.44
Uperc admin sewer 925.11
Visa supplies 671.85
Wellmark insurance 659.76
Payroll   11021.58
Total   85181.80
Claims by fund    
General   18859.34
Road Use   3743.23
Benefits   859.76
Debt Serv   33375.00
Water   6101.16
Wellmark   8411.99
Sewer   3985.87
Lagoon   9845.45
Total   85181.80
Revenue by fund
General 22874.74
Road Use 5325.27
Benefits 68.26
Emergency 10.45
Lost 3844.04
Debt Serv 15215.84
Water 6500.80
Well 8359.02
Sewer 16177.24
Total 78375.66


Jay Schwamman spoke on behalf of the Certified Local Government committee to present the Annual Report for Mayor to sign so they can submit.  Motion by P. Schmitt, second by Schroeder to approve the report as presented.  Aye:  P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder.  Motion carried.

Donna Vsetecka and Pat Einwalter were present on behalf of St. John’s Parish to visit with the council regarding agreement between the City of Fort Atkinson and St. John’s Parish.  This agreement is expiring in April 2023.    The fee schedule and various options were discussed.   They will take the information they received back to the parish finance committee and will also be on the agenda for the March meeting.   A list of various groups that use the center was drafted for review.  Greg Barta stated that the locks were changed on the community center building and a list of regulations for usage was drafted.   People who use the center will have to pick up and drop off the key at the city office before the event and return within 12 hours after the event.

Motion by P. Schmitt, second by Schroeder to approve Resolution # 364 adopting rules of procedure governing the conduct of business for the City of Fort Atkinson.   Aye:  P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder.  Motion carried.

Greg Barta stated he had been doing maintenance, snow removal and tree removal.   He explained the reasoning behind the Lead & Copper Survey.  The city is mandated  by the EPA to do a lead service line inventory.

There were no building permits to be submitted.

The Audit report was received from Rachelle Thompson, CPA.  Findings were reviewed.  She will file the report with the State Auditors office and publish a news release.

Motion by Leuenberger, second by Schroeder to adjourn.  Aye:  P. Schmitt, K. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Schroeder.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.



Paul Herold, Mayor



Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk