Minutes December 4, 2023


Mayor Paul Herold called the regular meeting of the Fort Atkinson City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 4, 2023, at the Fort Atkinson Community Center.  Present were: Glass, P. Schmitt, Schroeder, Leuenberger, K. Schmitt.  Also present were:  Greg Barta, Michele Elsbernd, Tom Madden, Matthew Shatek, Emmalee Brandau, Mike Shimak, George & Shirley Tupy, Ronald Franzen & Jay Schwamman.

Motion by Glass, second by Schroeder to approve the consent items (minutes from November 1, 2023, and November 19, 2023, claims, clerk/treasurer reports)  All aye. Carried.


Claims Nov 2023
Acentek phone 672.61
Alliant util bill 2047.92
Aud of State audit filing fee 250.00
Badger Meter meter read 47.28
Baker & Taylo books 305.84
Bank Iowa has 400.00
BBPL Found book 8.00
Blazek Corp well#8 43778.37
Bruening Rock lagoon 415.30
Calmar Lib mileage conf 32.56
Citizens Svgs taxes 1562.04
Column Softw pop Oct & Nov 228.28
Consol Engy propane 1513.76
Country Living sub 32.09
Decorah Tech support 112.50
Display Sales C9 bulbs 475.00
Farmers Unio fuel p washer 89.40
Forbin 365fee 100.00
Fort Library sws 250.00
Franzen Sales supplies,ship 262.05
Hach Co testing 66.89
Hawkeye Sani contract 2234.67
Hawkins chemicals 665.28
Hoopla books 124.67
Hubers Store supplies 134.15
Iowa DOT emulson 755.00
Ia Dept Rev wet tax 432.93
Iowa One Call locate charges 18.00
Ipers IPERS 1164.94
Iroc update 45.00
John Deer Fin furnace filters 187.92
K & W Coating tower cleaning 1800.00
Keystone testing ww 619.50
L & R Mfg shelves 222.51
Lee’s Repair uni use 772.00
Marv Smith El gas meter 374.24
Marv Smith El serv,supp 334.43
Mediacom cc 146.67
M. Elsbernd mileage conf 125.76
Mracek Elec parts 326.04
Ness Pumping porta potty(3) 1710.00
NE Ia  Backhoe water main ext 28605.00
NE Ia Backhoe tree removal 123.50
Postoffice mail abills 102.00
R. Thompson audit 4600.00
Scholastic sws 264.81
US Cellular cell phone 36.34
Uerpc match funds 500.00
uerpc admin well 3236.11
Usa Blue Book Heater well 625.08
Visa supplies 483.81
Wellmark health ins 655.46
Winn Co. AG wreaths 40.00
Winn Co. Dev memb 500.00
Winn Co. Audi election exp 1039.50
Payroll Nov 5737.29
Total 111392.50
Claims fund
General 20881.49
Road use 1191.97
 Benefits 1615.33
Water 35,915.56
2nd well 47,014.48
Sewer 5,005.24
Total 111,624.07
Revenue fund
General 12,114.03
Road use 3355.58
Benefits 1534
Emergency 217.18
Lost 6912.16
Debt Serv 4592.64
Water 6039.6
Well 8166.41
Sewer 11821.19
Lagoon 15.46
Total 54,768.25


Tom Madden, engineer for the well project, was present to update the council on the current problems with the well and why it isn’t currently operational.  He explained there are two problems and that he would like to meet with Greg and the electrician this week yet to walk thru the issues and find a solution.  He also stated that the generator start up people would be coming the middle of the month.  The general contractor will be asking for a contract extension due to these issues.

Mike Shimak with Shimak Surveying was present to explain the issue in the alley between George & Shirley Tupy and Matthew Shatek.  He stated that the Tupy garage and shed are in the alley and the alley is on Shatek property.   He stated it would be in the city’s best  interest to clean this up.  All costs associated with the  land transfers would be paid by Shatek.  After much discussion a motion was made by Leuenberger, seconded by K. Schmitt to proceed with correction to the alley in Block 48.  Aye:  Leuenberger, K. Schmitt, Schroeder.  Nay: Glass, P. Schmitt.  Motion carried.

Salaries were discussed for budgeting purposes, the actual salary resolution will be approved prior to July 1, 2024.  Funds earmarked for W-14 will be budgeted if that project is delayed the city will consider working on Elm Street.

Ron Franzen was present to discuss the IMWCA Audit results and how to reply or implement the recommended procedures.

There was no designation of an official newspaper at this time.

There were no building permits requested.

Health Insurance increase is 3.44% effective in 2024.

Kay Schmitt had the Certified Local Government Report.  Ordinance has been changed to update required number of members.

The Oath of Office was administered to Mayor Paul Herold and Council Members Kay Schmitt, Dale Leuenberger and Paul Schmitt.

It was noted that there is a trailer parked across sidewalk access.  The clerk will contact the owner.

Motion by Glass, second by Leuenberger to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.



Paul Herold, Mayor


ATTEST: _________________________

Michele Elsbernd, City Clerk