Present: P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass, Schroeder, and K. Schmitt. Absent: None
Paul Herold and Kay Schmitt ran the meeting together, with Herold calling the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ashley Christianson, UERPC, read the 9 points below as part of the CDBG Public Hearing. Herold corrected the wording on item f as below. After no other questions or comments, a Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder to approve Resolution 325, to have UERPC submit a CDBG grant for the 2nd well project for $300,000 by October 1, 2021. Project estimated to be $699,610. All Aye. Carried.
- how the need for the proposed activity or projects was identified;
It has been identified that the current water supply within the City of Fort Atkinson is inadequate to meet the firm capacity as required by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Recommended Standards for Water Works by the Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board. The City currently has one fully functional water supply well. However, it is required that firm capacity be provided, which requires a minimum of two water supply wells. - how the proposed activity or projects will be funded and the sources of funds;
The request to the Iowa Economic Development Authority will be $300,000. If successfully funded, the remainder of the proposed activity will be funded through an Iowa Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) loan along with funds from the City of Fort Atkinson for a total project cost of $699,610. - the date the CDBG application will be submitted;
The CDBG water/sewer application will be submitted on or before October 1, 2021 to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. - requested amount of federal funds;
The requested amount is $300,000. - estimated portion of federal funds that will benefit persons of low and moderate income;
Given that a community income survey conducted in July of 2019 found that 53.37% of Fort Atkinson’s residents could be considered low- and moderate-income persons, it can be expected that the same proportion of the funds will benefit that group of residents or a total of 186 persons. - where the proposed activity or project will be conducted;
The proposed site is located to the west of the ballfields south of 150th Street and east of 271st Avenue on property which is outside of city limits but has been purchased by the City of Fort Atkinson. - plans to minimize displacement of persons and businesses as a result of funded activities or projects;
No businesses or persons will be displaced as a result of the proposed project. - plans to assist persons actually displaced, and;
No persons will be displaced as a result of the proposed project. - the nature of the proposed activity or project.
The project consists of the construction of a new public water supply well, well house, interconnecting water main, backup generator at both the new well and the existing well and associated miscellaneous work.
Greg Barta gave an update from the flood on August 27-28. He submitted an estimate of $125,000 of damage to Winneshiek EMA for the ballpark and the wall needed under the bridge. The lagoon was at a lower level prior to the flood, so the pumps were able to keep up, allowing nothing to get into the lagoon. Northway pulled the well last week and replaced the pump, wires and piping. Will probably need to schedule for every 6 years.
Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to approve August 4, 2021 Minutes, August Clerk Reports and Monthly bills as presented. All Aye. Carried.
Lagoon Project is onto final permitting steps, and should be ready to review and bid soon.
Reviewed the nuisances sited within the community, Johansen replied to Dawn Kraft with an extension to September 18. Several have been cleaned up, Johansen will invoice those not yet in compliance and issue the fine. If not paid in 30 days, the amount will be assessed to taxes.
No building permits were submitted.
P. Schmitt made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the facility Grant through Northeast Iowa RC&D for assistance to purchase HVAC system at the Community Center and the Gym, Glass seconded. All Aye. Carried. After no questions or comments, Glass made a motion to close the Public Hearing, Schroeder seconded. Glass made a motion to approve Resolution 326, approving to apply to United States Dept. of Agriculture, Rural Development, for the Rural Development Grant for the HVAC system, P. Schmitt seconded. All Aye. Carried.
Other business: discussed jake breaking as trucks pull into Fort Atkinson. Barta advised we would need a DOT permit to put up a sign stating it is not allowed.
Next meeting will be October 6, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Center. Motion to adjourn was made by Glass, seconded by Leuenberger. All Aye. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
- Acentek – Phone $226.88
- Alliant – Electric $2,173.81
- All Recipes – Subscription $6.00
- Anderson, Wilmarth – Legal Fees $1,190.00
- Badger Meter – Fees $100.32
- Baker & Taylor – Books $859.95
- Bank Iowa – HSA Contribution $200.00
- Bruening Rock – Rock $670.11
- Buchheit Appliance – Air Conditioner $449.00
- Calmar Courier – Publishing $182.82
- Capital One – Training $237.00
- Cascade Public Library – Books $10.00
- FED/FICA Taxes $1,562.80
- Country Sampler – Subscription $21.40
- David Huinker – Computer Repair $350.00
- Diamond Vogel – Paint $883.04
- Farmer’s Union Coop – Roundup $195.00
- Faronics – Tech Supplies $136.00
- Fort Atkinson Ball – Donation $200.00
- Fort Atkinson Band – Donation $250.00
- Fort Atkinson Little League – Donation $200.00
- Fort Atkinson Nursery – Trim & Spray Trees $1,045.00
- Hawkeye Sanitation – Contract $2,172.22
- Hi-Viz – Street Signs $106.00
- Huber’s – Supplies $198.82
- IAMU – Nisa $219.18
- Iowa DNR – Annual Permit $210.00
- IPERS – $994.91
- Keystone – Testing $12.80
- Laura Thomas – Supplies $168.43
- Marv Smith – Repairs $206.40
- Mediacom – Internet $245.11
- Mick Gage – Restrooms $546.00
- Oak Hill Cemetery – Donation $750.00
- Post Office – Postage $188.00
- Riley’s – Printer $1,504.80
- Scott Sindelar – Fireworks $200.00
- Sherwin Williams – Paint $650.81
- Taste of Home – Subscription $8.00
- UERPC – Grant Admin $690.63
- Wellmark – Insurance $518.80
- Wyoming Public Library – Books $20.00
- Payroll $7,948.93
- Totals $28,708.97
Funds | Expenses | Revenue |
General | $ 16,358.47 | $ 5,537.93 |
Museum | $ | $ |
Road Use | $ 4,609.50 | $ 2,850.91 |
Employee Benefits | $ 718.80 | $ 0 |
Capital Proj | $ | $ 0 |
Emergency | $ | $ 0 |
Local Opt. | $ 0 | $ 3,875.02 |
Water | $ 3,240.90 | $ 6,822.36 |
2nd Well | $ 841.25 | $ |
Sewer | $ 2,274.42 | $ 10,911.12 |
Lagoon | $ 665.63 | $ 0 |
Library | $ 0 | $ |
Total | $ 28,708.97 | $ 29,997.34 |