Present: P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass, Schroeder, and K. Schmitt Absent: None
Mayor Paul Herold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Representatives from the Library Board have a candidate hired Laura Thomas for the open position as Library Director, and she will be starting on May 17, 2021, and has a few credentials to finish yet. Motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve the hiring. Johansen will do a background check. All Aye. Carried.
Dale Huber requested to set rocks at the edge of his property in the alley by the Post Office to keep people off his grass and protect his building from being hit. Mayor Herold recommended a post with an orange sleeve instead to make sure it is visible.
Ron Franzen advised the Fire Department was asked to fill swimming pools, but they have chosen not to do that. Discussed the IMWCA letter for requirements on physicals, and Franzen is hesitant to follow the request of the insurance. Barta explained if at least 5 firemen are not done by July 1st, they will drop the City’s work comp coverage. Franzen will discuss at next Firemen’s meeting.
Greg Barta met with the County on the W14 project planned for 2024. They assessed the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, and will take core samples and then get estimates to us. Barta said they currently are not planning on going all the way to Hwy 24, which is about 300 more feet, but he would like them to. Also, the fire hydrant by the Fire Department was broken, and Barta said it would be best to replace the concrete in the 2 bays at the same time. Will start on Monday. The dike needs to have a 24’ pipe replaced and pour a new collar and replace the gate. Barta will get more quotes on the gate. Iowa Pump Works submitted a new contract for maintenance at $905/year for 3 years. Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Leuenberger, to approve signing the 3-year contract. All Aye. Carried.
Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to approve April 14, 2021 Minutes, April Clerk Reports and Monthly bills as presented. All Aye. Carried.
Herold will follow up with Engineer Tom Madden as we have not received any update since previous meeting on the Lagoon Project.
The 2nd Well Project is moving along well. Herold is working on closing date with City Attorney for the easement and Ernst Money on the Land putting 10% down. Motion was made by Glass, seconded by K. Schmitt, to approve $3,000 to Upper Explorerland to apply for CDBG funds to help fund the 2nd Well Project. All Aye. Carried. Motion was then made by P. Schmitt, seconded by K. Schmitt, to approve Resolution 321 to Set a Public Hearing for the June 9th, 2021 Meeting, for the CDBG Application. All Aye. Carried. Motion was then made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Leuenberger, to approve Setting a Public Hearing for June 9th, 2021, for an application for a State Revolving Fund loan and make available the contents of the environmental review. All Aye. Carried.
Discussed nuisances sited within the community. Johansen provided a couple form letters to review. After choosing one form, Johansen will send out to each address allowing 30 days to abate the nuisances.
Greg will post the opening for summer help for mowing and watering flowers at Huber’s, Post Office, and Citizens Savings Bank. Will take action at June 9th meeting on applications.
No building permits were submitted.
Discussed Fireworks, and Spillville will be shooting on July 3rd. Barta called Scott Sindelar, and he would like to do Fort Atkinson on Friday, July 2nd, 2021. All were in agreement.
Herold has the Council/Mayor tablets ordered, and hopes to have ready to use for June meeting.
Next meeting will be June 9, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Center. Motion to adjourn was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder. All Aye. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
- Acentedk – Phone $275.57
- Alliant – Electric $1,913.24
- Amie Johansen – Postage $18.79
- Anderson Law – Legal Services $497.50
- Badger Meter – Fees $46.32
- Baker & Taylor – Books $243.46
- Bank Iowa – HSA Contribution $200.00
- Bodensteiner – Mower Parts $142.32
- Bruening Rock – Rock $488.04
- Calmar Courier – Publishing $110.19
- FED/FICA Taxes $1,450.20
- CJ’s Trophy – Plates $56.45
- Consolidated Energy – Fuel $267.80
- David Huinker – Computer Repair $550.00
- Decorah Chiropractic – Drug Test Consortium – $250.00
- Fort Atkinson Nursery – Grass Seed $165.00
- Franzen Sales – Supplies $68.90
- Greg Barta – Stamps, Envelopes $60.35
- Hawkeye Sanitation – Contract $3,989.75
- Hawkins – Azone $378.20
- Huber’s – Supplies $106.08
- IAMU – Dues $806.18
- Iowa Dept of Revenue – Taxes $762.94
- IPERS – $1,043.11
- Lee’s Repair – Skidloader $375.00
- Marv Smith – Services $108.58
- Mediacom – Internet $169.95
- Napa – Sweeper Parts $129.97
- Northern Iowa Construction – Shoulder Repairs – $80.00
- Rausch – Grading $220.00
- SEH – Well Engr. $4,090.68
- Sims – Computer Updates $35.00
- Storey Kenworthy – UB Forms $522.50
- US Cellular – Phone $104.61
- Wellmark – Insurance $518.80
- Payroll $5,055.35
- Totals $25,300.83
Funds | Expenses | Revenue |
General | $ 10,533.22 | $ 46,050.08 |
Museum | $ | $ |
Road Use | $ 2,026.53 | $ |
Employee Benefits | $ 1,526.78 | $ 10,303.61 |
Capital Proj | $ | $ 0 |
Emergency | $ | $ 1,101.05 |
Local Opt. | $ | $ |
Water | $ 4,732.23 | $ 6,112.96 |
2nd Well | $ 4,090.68 | $ |
Sewer | $ 2,607.39 | $ 10,675.86 |
Lagoon | $ | $ |
Library | $ 0 | $ |
Total | $ 25,516.83 | $ 74,243.56 |