City Council Minutes – March 10, 2021

Present: P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass, Schroeder, and K. Schmitt Absent: None

Mayor Paul Herold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Ron Franzen and Jay Schwamann spoke on behalf of the Fire Department regarding the virtual storm watch classes Winneshiek County EMA is hosting, and also talked about how to fund the next fire truck. They would like to purchase in the next couple years, new or used, for a pumper/tanker. Discussed how the fire station is at its max capacity also. K. Schmitt volunteered to look for some grants, discussed if this could be funded by USDA grant we are starting to discuss.

Barta has a request from St. Lucas to sweep their streets. Council prefers not to due to hauling equipment and wear and tear on it. Gundersen has advised they will do the testing but no longer do the DOT clearing house paperwork for mandatory drug screening. Barta presented information from Dr. Gehling in Decorah who currently does that for others. Cost would be $250 annually. ICAP has advised insurance will increase about 15% to approximately $13,000. They have provided new replacement values on the City owned buildings, could raise deductibles to save some cost. Barta submitted an ICAP grant request for the AED to put in the Library, Library Board approved adding $500 to purchase.

Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder , to approve February 3, 2021 Council Minutes, February Clerk Reports and Monthly Bills as presented. All Aye. Carried.

Herold, Barta, and K. Schmitt met with Tom from SEH to review the Sewer Lagoon Plans. Made changes from 2 rows of 8’ trees to 3 rows of 6’ trees due to cost and availability. Need to get Separation Waiver for this change. Lilacs will be planted along the highway. Next step is to get a construction permit from Iowa DNR.

On 2nd Well Project, preliminary plans are complete and working on the electrical, should be ready for review in a couple weeks. Will wait to go to bid once we are able to apply for more CDBG funding.

K. Schmitt made a motion to open the Public Hearing on the FY2122 Budget, Glass seconded. After no questions or comments, motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to close the Public Hearing. All Aye. Carried.

Motion was then made by P. Schmitt, seconded by K. Schmitt to approve the FY2122 Budget setting tax rate at $13.90775. All Aye. Carried.

Discussed switching to tablets for Council members. Cost is approximately $5,000 for 8 Microsoft Pro tablets. Herold advised the same IT person he uses has said he would set them up for us. Motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve the purchase using LOST funds. All Aye. Carried.

Iowa DOT is offering for sale at the fair market value of $5,000 the triangular piece of land adjacent to the new lagoon site known as the parcel located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 96 North, Range 09 West of the 5th P.M. Winneshiek County, Iowa. Herold has discussed with Shatek’s and they are not interested. Motion was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Glass to purchase with Sewer Land money. All Aye. Carried.

Winneshiek County EMA Director Sean Snyder sent a “Emergency Response Plan for Public Water System” to Herold for Council to review and add City of Fort Atkinson contacts and phone numbers in case of an emergency. Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Leuenberger, to approve the request. All Aye. Carried.

In other business, set May 1st as the city cleanup day. K. Schmitt will update the newsletter and will put on website instead of mailing this year to save the postage. Glass received a complaint of oil running into the street at Fischer’s. Barta will address with the owner.

Next meeting will be April 14, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Center. Motion to adjourn was made by K. Schmitt, seconded by Leuenberger. All Aye. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.

  • Acentek Phone $42.51
  • Alliant Electric $1,892.78
  • Anderson Law Trust Legal Fees $585.00
  • Badger Meter Fees $100.32
  • Baker & Taylor Books $296.73
  • Bank Iowa HSA Contribution $200.00
  • Biblion X Renew Catalog $800.00
  • Calmar Courier Publishing $118.97
  • FED/FICA Taxes $1,293.16
  • Consolidated Energy Fuel $1,760.08
  • Farmers Union Coop Diesel $97.39
  • Franzen Sales Supplies $114.54
  • Hawkeye Sanitation Garbage $1,994.50
  • Hawkins Azone $395.00
  • Huber’s Store Batteries $165.34
  • IAMU CEU Meetings $50.00
  • IPERS $957.36
  • Lee’s Repair Hauling Snow $1,602.00
  • Mediacom Internet $169.95
  • People Subscription $118.26
  • Post Office Billing Postage $70.00
  • US Cell Cell Phones $105.27
  • UERPC CDBG $923.25
  • Wellmark Insurance $518.80
  • Payroll $4,749.13
  • Totals $19,120.34
Funds Expenses Revenue
General $ 10,745.55 $ 25,350.89
Museum $ $
Road Use $ 1,995.61 $ 2,682.09
Employee Benefits $ 1,323.56 $ 198.52
Capital Proj $ $ 0
Emergency $ $ 21.21
Local Opt. $ $ 0
Water $ 2,588.78 $ 5,599.48
2nd Well $ $
Sewer $ 1,746.59 $ 9,338.03
Lagoon $ 923.25 $
Library $ 0 $ 10.00
Total $ 19,323.34 $ 43,200.22