Present: P. Schmitt, Leuenberger, Glass, Schroeder, and K. Schmitt. Absent: Paul Herold
Kay Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Recently Mayor Paul Herold suffered a stroke which will take some healing time. Mayor Pro Tem is Kay Schmitt. Motion was made by Schroeder, seconded by P. Schmitt, to approve K. Schmitt to assume duties of the Mayor in his absence as Mayor Pro Tem and sign checks in his absence. All Aye. Carried.
Tom Madden, SEH Engineer, updated Council on Lagoon and 2nd Well Projects. The Lagoon plans were turned into Iowa DNR in June, so waiting on their approvals. Madden recommends completion for August 2023 to give two seasons for contractors. In Herold’s absence, Madden will communicate directly with Greg Barta.
On The 2nd Well, Madden requested an extension from Iowa DNR due to their review not getting back in time to apply for CDBG July 1st. The electric engineer is still working on the 3-phase plan. Madden will forward to Johansen the application fee and construction permit fee and will need checks to submit. Plans to bid in winter and build in summer of 2022.
Greg Barta advised the shop door was hit and damaged. Barta got a bid from Albertson to repair and has submitted to Joe Neuzil for reimbursement for the damage. Barta called Northway to come and pull the well and inspect, as he has been losing PSI this week. The trees at the park have blight at the top, Barta called Fort Nursery to come and spray about 60 trees. Barta looked at the computers offered by the grant funds from the state for technology updates up to $9,500, and recommended applying for a new laptop for Johansen and 5 Surface Pro Tablets for Council and cameras to go with them in case of future zoom meetings. Council agreed to apply and Barta will submit. Need to also discuss with IT when setting them up to make sure we have the right Cybersecurity ICAP recommends.
Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Schroeder, to approve July 7th, 2021 Minutes, July Clerk Reports and Monthly bills as presented. All Aye. Carried.
Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Glass, to approve Resolution 324 to approve setting a public hearing for September 1, 2021 to submit an application to CDBG for the 2nd Well. All Aye. Carried.
The nuisances sited within the community were given final date to abate of August 1, 2021. Several have been cleaned up, and Dawn Kraft submitted a letter requesting an extension. P. Schmitt and Leuenberger will inspect and advise Johansen who is not yet in compliance and Johansen will issue the fine. If not paid in 30 days, amount will be assessed to taxes.
No building permits were submitted.
Motion was made by Glass, seconded by Leuenberger, to approve the 28E with NEIA Community Action for Funding for Services. All Aye Carried.
Motion was made by P. Schmitt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve payments to the following: Fort Atkinson Ball Team $200; Community Band $250; Little League $200; Oak Hill Cemetery $750; Fireworks $200. All Aye. Carried.
Motion was made by Glass, seconded by P. Schmitt, to approve the Winneshiek County Mutual Aid Agreement-2021 submitted by Sean Snyder, EMA Coordinator. All Aye. Carried.
Other business: discussed upcoming election in November, 2021. Bob Glass and Lori Schroeder will be up for re-election. Papers to be on the ballot can be picked up from the Winneshiek County Auditor.
Next meeting will be September 1, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Center. Motion to adjourn was made by Leuenberger, seconded by Schroeder. All Aye. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
- Acentek – Phone $282.05
- Alliant – Electric $2,085.41
- Badger Meter – Fees $46.32
- Baker & Taylor – Books $59.60
- Bank Iowa – HSA Contribution $200.00
- Better Homes & Gardens – Subscription $6.00
- Bruening Rock – Rock $241.80
- Calmar Courier – Publishing $126.87
- FED/FICA Taxes $1,433.76
- Darin Barta – Rental $70.00
- Decorah Newspapers – Subscription $42.00
- Donna’s Cleaning – Clean Windows $275.00
- Drillings – Supplies $4.15
- Five Star Cooperative – LP Gas $883.48
- Fort Atkinson Rentals – Rent $90.00
- Franzen Sales – UPS $14.58
- Hawkins – Chemicals $683.93
- Helping Services – Donation $200.00
- Huber’s – Supplies $407.82
- IMWCA – Work Comp $4,801.00
- Iowa DNR – Certs $45.81
- Iowa League of Cities – Dues $444.00
- IPERS – $972.90
- John Deere – Supplies $20.65
- Keystone – Testing $196.80
- Laura Thomas – Supplies $226.35
- Lee’s Repair – Repairs $279.00
- Leon Kipp – Hauling Patch $312.50
- Marv Smith – AC Unit $5,936.37
- Mediacom – Internet $169.95
- Mick Gage – Restrooms $273.00
- Midwest Living Mag. – Subscription $6.00
- NEICAC – Contribution $349.00
- Post Office – Postage $72.00
- SEH – Engineering $2,695.64
- Sherwin Williams – Paint $42.60
- Storey Kenworthy – Paper, Supplies $224.19
- Turkey River Watershed – Tech Assist $250.00
- US Cellular – Phone $208.97
- UERPC – Grant Admin $387.51
- Visu-Sewer – Jetting $975.00
- Wellmark – Insurance $518.80
- Payroll $5,912.03
- Totals $32,472.83
Funds | Expenses | Revenue |
General | $ 14,248.82 | $ 6,903.07 |
Museum | $ | $ |
Road Use | $ 2,050.13 | $ 7,947.86 |
Employee Benefits | $ 1,426.13 | $ 177.15 |
Capital Proj | $ | $ 0 |
Emergency | $ | $ 18.93 |
Local Opt. | $ 5,936.37 | $ 3,709.46 |
Water | $ 3,313.86 | $ 4,559.09 |
2nd Well | $ 2,695.64 | $ |
Sewer | $ 2,636.97 | $ 11,004.45 |
Lagoon | $ 387.51 | $ 901.00 |
Library | $ 0 | $ |
Total | $ 32,695.43 | $ 22,263.58 |