City Council Agenda – November 30, 2021

City Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 – 7:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Persons wishing to address the Council
  4. Department Reports Greg Barta
  5. Consider Approval of the following consent items: November Council Minutes, Clerks Reports and Monthly Bills for November
    1. Sewer Lagoon Project Updates
    2. 2nd Well Project Updates
  6. Consider Approval of FY21 Street Finance Report
  7. Hold Public Hearing on FY21 Annual Finance Report and Consider Approval to submit the Report to Dept. of Management
  8. Discuss Solar Ordinances and Take Any Necessary Action
  9. Discuss Traffic Cams and Take Any Action Necessary
  10. Consider Approval to start advertising the City Clerk Position
  11. Discuss Nuisances and Take Any Action Necessary
  12. New Computer Setup and Training
  13. Discuss Codification with UERPC and Take any Action Necessary
  14. Any Other Business to Discuss, and Future Agenda Items.
  15. Adjournment.

Next Meeting: ____________ at 7pm in the Community Center