City Council Agenda – January 6, 2021

City Council Meeting
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 7:00 P.M.

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the Council meeting will be held electronically through Zoom. Please click on the following link and enter the password if you would like to join the meeting. We ask that you mute your device so there is no background noise. Thank you.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 686 076 7601
One tap mobile +13126266799# US (Chicago)

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Persons wishing to address the Council
  4. Department Reports Greg Barta
    1. Review Budget items
  5. Consider approval of the following consent items: December 9, 2020 Council Minutes, Clerks Reports for December, and Monthly Bills
  6. A. Sewer Improvement Project Discuss & Take Any Action Necessary
    B. Second Well Project Discuss & Take Any Action Necessary
  7. New Business:
    1. Consider Approval of Submitted Building Permits
    2. Discuss Budgets
    3. Consider Approval of Fire Dept. Election of Officers
    4. Consider Approval to designate Calmar Courier as the official newspaper for 2021
  8. Any other business to discuss or future Agenda Items
  9. Adjournment.

Next Meeting: February 3, 2021 at 7pm at the Community Center.