City Council Agenda – April 14, 2021

City Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 7:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Persons wishing to address the Council
    1. Ross Hawkeye Sanitation Contract Renewal
    2. David Gehling Discuss Alternative Power Utility
    3. RC&D Discuss Projects
  4. Department Reports Greg Barta
    1. Discuss Winneshiek County Replacing W14 in 2024
  5. Consider Approval of the following consent items: March 10, 2021 Council Minutes, Clerks Reports and Monthly Bills for March
  6. A. Sewer Lagoon Project Updates
    1. Consider Approval of WTFAP Grant Award for $300,000 by Iowa Finance Authority
    B. 2nd Well Project Updates
  7. Consider Approval of Liquor Renewals:
    1. Lickety-Split Convenience
    2. Hubers Store
  8. Consider Approval of Professional Land Surveying Quotes
    1. Erdman Engineering Cemetery $2200 10th Ave $800
    2. Benzing Surveying Cemetery $2800/2600 10th Ave $1400/1250
  9. Consider Approval of Building Permits:
    1. Sean Snyder Add Decks on Front and Rear
    2. Tara Hoffert Add Front Porch
  10. Any Other Business to Discuss, and Future Agenda Items
  11. Adjournment.

Next Meeting: May 5, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Center