Agenda November 30, 2022







City Council Meeting – Community Center


1.Call the meeting to order.

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Tom Madden sewer lagoon project and new well project
  3. Consider approval of Pay Request # 8 WWTF for $ 93,036.35 for JB Holland
  4. Well update

1)  Consider approval of pay request # 1 for Well #2 for $8,272.98 to Blazek Corp.

  1. Approval of Resolution # 359 setting hearing to consider vacation of a part of third street right-of-way located in the Town of Fort Atkinson, Iowa and conveyance of City property to David Humpal, Charles and Arlene Lynch, Dale and Jennifer Leuenberger and Brian Leuenberger.
  2. Persons wishing to address the Council
  3. Address Richard Nienhaus previous request regarding land issue


  1. Department Reports – Greg Barta
  2. Greg’s health insurance renewal (increase of 14.43%)


  1. Approval of consent items (minutes from November 2, 2022 clerks reports and claims for Nov.)

(the revenue includes monies received thru 10/28, i get lost monies end of mo.)

  1. Approval of any building permits submitted


  1. Any other business or items for future agenda (budget planning meeting)


  1. Adjournment


Next Meeting:    January 4, 2023 at 7pm in the Community Center