Agenda November 2, 2022



City Council Meeting – Community Center


1.Call the meeting to order.

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Tom Madden sewer lagoon project and new well project
  3. Consider approval of Pay Request # 7 WWTP  $ 544,514.12
  4. Discuss project over budget
  5. Well update
  6. Public Hearing on intention to Vacate and Convey City-Owned real estate                                                                          A.  Consider approval of Ordinance # 31 to vacate a parcel of city alley right-of-way located in Block 60 of  the Original Town of Fort Atkinson.                                                                                                                B.  Consider motion to waive 2nd and 3rd readings of Ordinance # 31                                                            C.  Consider approval of Resolution # 354 approving the conveyance of a portion of a vacated alley right-of-way and conveyance of city property to Paul Herold and James Herold
  7. Public Hearing Budget Amendment 2022-2023
  8. Consider Approval of Resolution # 357 approving the proposed budget amendment
  9. Consider Approval of Resolution # 358 approving the 22-23 budget transfers
  10. Persons wishing to address the Council


  1. Approval of appointments to the Fort Atkinson Library board (Becky Smith, Jessica Uhlenhake, Lyndsay Vsetecka)


  1. Depot application for the Museum


  1. Approval of consent items (minutes from October 5, 2022, clerks reports and claims for Oct)


  1. Consider approval of third and final reading of Ordinance # 30 regarding sewer improvement charges by dwelling unit


  1. City Maintenance Report

(open gym for walkers, internet service Community Center, sale of rock)

  1. Consider approval of quote for tree removal etc. between lagoons


  1. Approval of any building permits submitted


  1. Consider approval of Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund request for $500.00 yearly contribution for 2024


  1. Winneshiek Energy District information & Winneshiek Co. Comm Foundation Grant application


  1. Adjournment


Next Meeting:    November 30, 2022  at 7pm in the Community Center