Agenda MONDAY, March 4, 2024



City Council Meeting – Community Center

MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2024 – 6:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Consider approval of consent items (minutes from February 7, 2024, claims, clerk/treasurer reports)


  1. Hold public hearing Budget Amendment 23-24
  2. a) Approve Resolution # 387 Approving the 23-24 budget amendment


  1. Approve Resolution # 386 Approving the 23-24 budgeted transfers


  1. Set date for public hearing on the proposed tax levy for the 24-25 budget.


  1. City Maintenance Report
  2. a) Discuss possible purchase of equipment
  3. b) Discuss, review estimated cost and possibly decide to proceed with the project
  4. c) Trees quote from logger,  Alliant Tree Grant
  5. d) Any other maintenance/repair items as needed


  1. Consider approval of any building permits submitted


  1. Adjournment



Next Meeting April 3, 2024 with a hearing on the proposed tax levy at 6:00 P.M., Regular monthly meeting to follow at 6:15 P.M at which time we hope to close out the well project.   We will have a special Council Meeting on April 24, 2024 to hold a public hearing on the budget adoption at the Community Center at 6:00 P.M.