Agenda June 5, 2024



City Council Meeting – Community Center

Wednesday, June 5,   2024  6:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Review/Approve Consent agenda (claims, minutes of 5/1/24, clerks/treasurer reports, approval of cigarette permits for Huber’s, Lickety Split, The Fort, and the ABD License for The Fort)


  1. Hold Public Hearing to consider vacation of a parcel of city street right-of-way and conveyance of city property to David and Dianne Nienhaus.
  2. a) Approval of Ordinance # 38 vacating a portion of a parcel of city street right-of-way known as Oak Street
  3. b)        Approval of Resolution # 391 to approve conveyance of a portion of a vacated street right-of-way and conveyance of city property to David & Dianne Nienhaus


  1. Insurance Quotes/ICAP renewal Tara Hoffert


  1. Approve Resolution # 392 setting a public hearing to consider vacation of a part of alley right-of-way located in Block 48 of Bradleys Subdivision of the Town of Fort Atkinson, Iowa and conveyance of city property to George and Shirley Tupy.


  1. Approve Resolution # 395 setting a public hearing to consider vacation of parcel 2024-7,8,9,10, & 11 all in Alley in Block 11 in the Town of Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County and approve conveyance to Todd & Kelsey Schmitt, Paul & Bette Schmitt, Scott & Mary Sindelar and Marvin Krivachek


  1. Approve Resolution # 396 a resolution authorizing and approving an amended and restated Loan and Disbursement Agreement and amended and restated Water Revenue Bond”


  1. Review/Approve Ordinance # 40 adding fences to building permit required


  1. Persons wishing to address the council


  1. City Maintenance Report

            a.)   Well control discussion


  1. Any other items for discussion


  1. Consider any building permits submitted


  1. Adjournment


            Next regular meeting July 3,  2024 at 6:00 P.M.  Fort Atkinson Community Cen