Agenda June 1, 2022



City Council Meeting – Community Center

WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 20227:00 P.M.

1.Call the meeting to order.

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Persons wishing to address the Council


  1. Tom Madden sewer lagoon project and new well project
  2. PPE # 2 $ 548,639.04
  3. Well update


  1. Public Hearing Budget Amendment
  2. Approval of Resolution No. 342 approving budget amendment


  1. Approval of Resolution # 341 setting fees for building permits and solar panel permits


  1. Approval of Resolution # 343 approving additional budget transfers


  1. Soo Green proposed revised Ordinance # 27 first reading ( have to start over with readings due to changes)

(attorney’s comments and Soo Green’s reply to the attorney’s comments attached)


  1. Approval of Acentek franchise AGREEMENT (not ordinance) (this is just for video or tv not internet)


  1. City Maintenance Report
  2. Discussion for possible alley vacation for Scott Sindelar


  1. Approval of contract Iowa Codification to recodify our ordinance book


  1. Insurance Renewal ICAP


  1. Approval of consent items (minutes from May 4, clerks reports and claims for May)


  1. Approval of building permits


  1. Resolution # 344 to fix a date for a public hearing on proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $3,080,000”


  1. Adjournment



Next Meeting:  July 6 at 7pm in the Community Center