Agenda January 3, 2023



City Council Meeting – Community Center

WEDNESDAY,  JANUARY 3, 20246:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Consider approval of consent items (minutes from December 4, 2023, claims, clerk/treasurer reports)


  1. Update on W14 project by County Engineer and review and consider 28E for the project.


  1. Well Update


  1. Tara Hoffert regarding ICAP insurance coverage changes effective 1/1/24


  1. Persons wanting to address the council (if not on the agenda)


  1. Consider/Approval of Resolution # 384 to consider vacation a part of Eleventh Avenue right of way and conveyance of city property


  1. City Maintenance Report
  2. Discuss options for tractor and mower purchase and proposed cost
  3. Discuss options for street work


  1. Consider approval of any building permits submitted


10 . Future Agenda Items


  1. Adjournment



Next Meeting February 7, 2023