Agenda April 5, 2023


City Council Meeting Community Center

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2023 6:00 P.M.

  1. Call the meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Tom Madden update on lagoon and well
    1. Consider approval of PPE# 3 to Blazek Corp. for # 10,844.44.
  4. City Maintenance Report
    1. Water & Sewer to proposed building sites (Scott Sindelar)
    2. Trees
  5. Persons wanting to address the council (if not on the agenda)
  6. Consider approval of consent items (minutes from March 2023, clerks reports & claims March 2023, Cigarette Permit for Hubers Store and ABD license for Lickety Split
  7. Fort Atkinson Library
  8. Fort Atkinson Fire Department and Fire Department Trustees
  9. Consider Resolution # 378 to fix a date for a public hearing (May 3, 2023) on proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $1,000,000
  10. Consider and approve Resolution # 376 updating Community Center rental fees
  11. Consider and approve Resolution # 377 setting salaries for employees effective July 2023.
  12. Consider approval of any building permits submitted
  13. Future Agenda Items
  14.  Adjournment

Next meeting is May 3. 2023